Guest Management System

Every change in availability and rates is immediately reflected in the Internet Booking Engine. Every Internet booking is immediately reflected in your Reservation Calendar.
ReservationsONLINE recognizes the fact that repeat guests and referrals from guests are
your most profitable customers. ReservationsONLINE's ability to effectively record,
present, and act on detailed guest history greatly increases your chances of
having repeat guests and referrals from guests. Providing better customer
service and better customer follow-up is a major focus of ReservationsONLINE.
Guest Letters handle the printed and email interaction with your guests.
You can completely customize the wording and appearance of all your Guest Letters.
Numerous Guest Letters are available, each created specifically to handle a stage of the reservation process: initial contact, deposit or contract request, check-in, check-out, cancellations, etc.
Additionally ReservationsONLINE provides follow-up and marketing Guest Letters. From the Contact screen you have the ability to select any collection of guests and either email them or print them a letter for mailing. For example, a week after all guests check out send them a thank you note. Or, 6 weeks before a guest's anniversary send them an invitation to repeat their visit again this year. Or, perhaps during the off-season send a promotional offer to all previous guests within a 100 mile radius of your property.
ReservationsONLINE turns more guests into repeat guests.
From day to day operations, to managing your time, to managing
your money, to planning your future, ReservationsONLINE's set of Business
Reports are there to help you operate the business side of your business. ReservationsONLINE's reports are
both focused and informative while their appearance is professional.
You can save your Business Reports as PDF documents, Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets or output them to any printer connected to your workstation or network.
Schedule Housekeeping Reports to run at predefined intervals - nightly, weekly, or monthly - and be emailed to you or your support staff.
If by chance ReservationsONLINE doesn't have the Business Report you need, our programmers can build custom reports for you.

- Graphical Reservation Calendar
- Complete Guest History
- Custom Guest Letters
- Business Reports
- Marketing Emails and Letters
- Flexible Rate Structures
- Flexible Booking Rules
- Create Discounts
- Promotional Codes
- Integrated Internet Booking Engine
- Track sources of reservations
- Sell Gift Certificates
- Credit Card Processing*
- Export Your Availability to 3rd Parties
- No Software to Install
- Access from Multiple Locations
- Professional Customer Support
- Free Program Upgrades
- Off-site Data Backup
Click here for details about ReservationsONLINE's Integrated Internet Booking Engine.